Monday, June 11, 2007

Movin On

It seems that everybody is moving on lately. Our baby bunnies grew up and left their home, although MMF (missy monkey feet) still insists on checking the nest daily in case they decide to move back in. It is also that terrible time of year when some of our church family moves on. Several of our friends graduated recently and have moved their families to places with new opportunities. While we're happy for them, we sure will miss them. We had a picnic in the park with a few of them recently to say good-bye. Among them were the Andersons, G., M., and the Hardys. They have all been great friends. I'm sorry I never had enough courage on first sundays of the month to let them all know how they've influenced me and how thankful I've been to have each of them in my family's lives. First of all, thanks Jared and Jessica for your friendship. You guys always made us feel welcome even when we felt like the elephant in the room. Jared, you are insane! (in a really good way) You're going to be a great doctor no matter what you decide to do. Also, thank you so much for being so patient with my husband and never giving up on him completely, even though he has to be the world's worst home teaching partner. He has a great amount of respect for you, despite his orneriness. Jessica you are the epitome of "hearth and home". You truly possess wisdom beyond your years. Thanks so much for all you've done for me and my family. G. you always remind me that Mormons are real people. Without doing anything you make me more comfortable with the lifestyle changes. You also have FABULOUS taste in music. :0) M. I learned so much about the gospel from you. You are so easy to talk to. Thanks for answering so many questions with a straight face. I know sometimes it couldn't have been easy. Krissy I can't believe we won't be a street apart any longer. I'm sooooo glad we got to know one another. I think you're an amazing person with so many talents. I can't wait to see your name on a designer bag some day. I hope at your big debut you'll call me up to ask what color you should paint your toenails and whether to wear heels or flats. I love all of you guys and wish you every happiness.

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